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Introducing: The Advocate!

By: SARAH REPP May 5, 2021 Also posted in the 'about' tab

Mike Heartung / Photo from The White Peacock Facebook Page

LINDSBORG- In the quaint basement of Presser Hall, a storm is brewing and there is a rainbow on its way. A group of 5 Bethany College students has come together to make a change in the way news is spread around campus. They are working hard to inform staff, students, alum, and even Lindsborg residents about the happenings of the college and in the community. Bethany College has had a form of a school newspaper called The Messenger for “as long as most folks can remember” Ellie Ahlstedt, a Bethany graduate. The storm is beginning to form. From paper copies to digital newsletters, The Messenger has been a long-standing tradition around campus. However, as the world continues to spin, advances are being made and it is important for The Messenger to keep up. In the spring of 2021, Sarah Repp a then-sophomore and Communications major was appointed as the new “Editor in Chief”. This is where the storm builds to cumulonimbus-level clouds. And when it rains, it pours. When the fall of 2021 rolled around, she found herself with few resources, a small staff, and many responsibilities. The budget was daunting, and with limited training, Repp was given a mountain to climb. As a party of one, she decided this was the ‘kick in the pants’ The Messenger needed for a revamp. Repp asked for help from The Messenger’s advisor Reb Miller, who enlisted the help of CM225, otherwise known as Principles of Journalism. The group of writers was given the task of what seemed like reinventing the wheel. The rain starts slowing down here. Gavin Pastine, a sophomore, took on the responsibility of keeping everyone on track, second in command. He has an interest in sports and will be writing as often as he gets the chance about the athletes of Bethany. Allison Young, a junior, volunteered to be the Social Media Manager and help with recruitment. She has been the editor of the opinions section in the past and will continue to write regularly about what she thinks. The clouds are lifting. Chartez Wiley, a junior, has experience in the world of news as a former radio host in Germany. He is bringing sports coverage and the weekly game schedules to the outlet. He is soft-spoken in the classroom but an excellent student and football player. Imy Nixon, a junior, a golfer by day, and podcaster by night. Imy is another sports fanatic but with a strong understanding of the need to distress and enjoy a nice Sodku puzzle every once in a while. Aside from covering Bethany athletics, he will be picking out fun puzzles to give readers a small break from the hustle and bustle of life. Finally, a rainbow after the storm. In a group chat between members of the group, it was decided that because so many things were changing for The Messenger, the name should be changed as well. There were many ideas thrown around, from The Bethany Times to The Bethany Nugget. The name finally agreed upon is 'The Advocate'. The Bethany Advocate, that is. The name change brings not only a new flair to the project but it better fits the brand the news outlet is trying to build for itself. The Advocate is working to produce articles that stand up for the students, alum, and community members. The Advocate is working to spur tough conversations and help readers to think about the world around them, perhaps through different lenses. It was decided that the first article will be published during the first week of October 2021. Aiming, for the first day of the month but realizing that goal was a little too lofty and the release date would more than likely be pushed back. These students have spent hours making a new name, brand, and production media for themselves as they work tirelessly to keep up with their school, work, and athletic commitments as well. These students did not choose greatness, greatness was thrust upon them. And they accepted the challenge. They are not only succeeding but passing that standard with flying colors.


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