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Svensk Hyllningsfest



Here in a couple weeks one of Little Sweden’s most exciting and fascinating festivities will occur called Svensk Hyllningsfest. Hyllningsfest has been a huge celebration here for many years starting all the way back in 1941 to celebrate the Swedish immigrants that settled in Smokey Valley back in 1869. It is a biennial celebration meaning that it occurs here in Lindsborg every other year making every celebration bigger than the last.

The celebration starts October eighth and ends October ninth giving you two full days of the awesome celebration. Packing the town with people from the town, alumni, students, and people from all over there will be many things to do during this two-day celebration. One of cool things about Hyllningsfest is the festival happens the same weekend that homecoming is celebrated for Bethany College. With that, the Bethany Swedes football team will host Sterling College for a great college football game starting at 1p.m. on the ninth giving you a great way to enjoy the homecoming celebration.

Hillningsfest will have a lot of exciting events to keep you busy for the weekend. The festival includes arts and crafts, special vendors bringing special foods, ethnic music along with folk dancing along with unique entertainment throughout the celebration. A parade will also occur Saturday morning filled with floats from the local businesses, church groups, organizations, school groups and Bethany College giving the community a great start to the Saturday festivities. One of the most famous events of the celebration is Smörgåsbord. Smörgåsbord is huge meal, originating in Sweden, consisting of meatballs, salmon, potato salad and over 35 different items on the menu. Tickets are sold months in advance and sell really quick.

Most of the events will take place downtown so don’t miss out on this great experience and take part of the long tradition of Svensk Hyllningsfest. If you want to see more of the festivals events you can visit this link:

If you would like to read more about the festival, you can visit this link here:


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